Branco, S., Schauster, A., Liao, H.-L., Ruytinx, J. 2022. Mechanisms of stress tolerance and their effects on the ecology and evolution of mycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist. In press. (invited review).
Gluck-Thaler, E., Vogan, A., Branco, S. 2022. Giant mobile elements: Agents of multivariate phenotypic evolution in fungi. Current Biology 32: R234-236.
Bazzicalupo, A., Erlandson, S., Branine, M., Ruffing, L., Ratz, M., Nguyen, N., Branco, S. 2021. Local steep abiotic gradients drive soil fungal community shifts in Yellowstone National Park. Microbial Ecology.
Zhang, K., Tappero, R., Ruytinx, J., Branco, S., Liao H.-L. 2021. Disentangling the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in plant Zn acquisition using in-situ X-ray imaging. Science of the Total Environment 801:149481.
Lofgren, L., Vilgalys, R., Nguyen, N. H., Ruytinx, J., Liao, H.-L., Branco, S., Kuo, A., LaButti, K., Lipzen, A., Andreopoulos, W., Pangilinan, J., Riley, R., Hundley, H., Na, H., Barry, K., Grigoriev, I. V., Stajich, J. E., Kennedy, P. G. 2021. Comparative Genomics Reveals Dynamic Signatures of Host Specificity in Mutualist Fungi. 230:774-792. New Phytologist.
Bazzicalupo, A., Thomas, M., Munro-Ehrlich, M., Branco, S. 2020.
Gene copy number variation does not reflect structure or
environmental selection in two recently diverged populations of a
mycorrhizal fungus. 10:4591-459. G3. (Cover image)
Bazzicalupo, A., Ruytinx, J., Ke, Y.-H., Coninx, L., Colpaert, J.,
Nguyen, N., Vilgalys, R., Branco, S. 2020. Fungal heavy metal
adaptation through single nucleotide polymorphism and copy
number variation. Molecular Ecology.
Branco, S. 2019. Fungal Diversity from communities to genes. Fungal Biology Reviews 33:225-237. (Invited review).
Branine, M., Bazzicalupo, A., Branco, S. 2019. Biological and applications of endophytic insect pathogenic fungi. PLoS Pathogens 15(7):e1007831. (Invited review).
Carpentier, F., Rodriguez de la Vega, R., Branco, S., Snirc, A., Coelho, M.A., Hood, M.H., Giraud, T. 2019. Convergent recombination suppression between mating-type genes and centromeres in selfing anther-smut fungi. Genome Research 29:944-953.
Lofgren, L.A., Uehling, J.K., Branco, S., Bruns, T.D., Martin, F., Kennedy, P.G. Accepted. Genome-based estimates of fungal rDNA copy number variation across phylogenetic scales and ecological lifestyles. Molecular Ecology.
Riquelme, M., Aime, C., Branco, S., Brand, A., Brown, A., Glass, L., Kahman, R., Momany, M., Requena, N., Rokas, A., Stajich, J., Trail, F. 2018. The Power of Discussion: Support for Women at the Fungal Gordon Research Conference. Fungal Genetics and Biology 121:65-67. doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2018.09.007
Branco, S., Carpentier, F. Rodriguez de la Vega, R., Badouin, H. Snirc, A., Le Prieur, S., Coelho, M. A., de Vienne, D. M., Begerow, D., Hood, M. E., Giraud, T. 2018. Multiple convergent supergene evolution events in mating-type chromosomes. Nature Communications 9: 2000.
Taylor, J. W., Branco, S., Gao, C., Hann-Soden, C., Montoya, L., Sylvain, I., Gladieux, P. 2018. Sources of fungal genetic variation and associating it with phenotypic diversity. Microbiology Spectrum 5(4): FUNK-0057-2016. doi:10.1128/microbiolspec.FUNK-0057-2016.
Branco, S., Badouin, H., Rodriguez de la Vega, R., Gouzy, J., Carpentier, F., Aguileta, G., Singuenza, S., Brandenburg, J-T., Coelho, M.A., Hood, M.E., Giraud, T. 2017. Evolutionary strata on young mating-type chromosomes despite the lack of sexual antagonism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114:7067-7062.
Rosendahl, Lisa M., Branco, S., Chung, J.A., Glassman, S.I., Liao, H.-L., Peay, K.G., Smith, D.S., Talbot, J.M., Taylor, J.W., Vellinga, E.C., Vilgalys, R., Bruns, T.D. 2017. Survey of corticioid fungi in North American pinaceous forests reveals hyperdiversity, underpopulated sequence databases, and species that are potentially mycorrhizal. Mycologia 109:115-127.
Branco, S., Bi, K., Liao, H.-L., Gladieux, P., Badouin, H., Ellison, C.E., Nguyen, N., Vilgalys, R., Peay, K.G., Taylor, J.W., Bruns, T.B. 2017. Continental-level population differentiation and environmental adaptation in Suillus brevipes. Molecular Ecology 26:2063-2076; special issue in Microbial Local Adaptation (Invited Contribution).
Waring, B., Adams, R.I., Branco, S., Powers, J. 2016. Nitrogen cycling and soil communities along gradients of forest composition and age in regenerating tropical dry forests. New Phytologist 209: 845-854.
Nguyen, N.H., Song, Z., Bates, S.T., Branco, S., Tedersoo, L., Menke, J., Schilling, J., Kennedy, P. 2016. FungGuild: an open annotation database for parsing high-throughput fungal molecular data by ecological guild. Fungal Ecology 20: 241-248.
Taylor, J.W., Hann-Soden, C., Branco, S., Sylvain, I., Ellison, C. 2015. Clonal reproduction in fungi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 112: 8901-8908.
Branco, S., Gladieux, P., Ellison, C., C., Kuo, A., LaButii, K., Lipzen, A., Grigoriev, I.V., Liao. H.-L., Vilgalys, R., Peay, K. G., Taylor, J. W., Bruns, T. D. 2015. Genetic isolation between two recently diverged populations of a symbiotic fungus. Molecular Ecology 24: 2747-2758.
(Publication highlighted in Skrede&Bransdstrom-Durling. 2015. Mol Ecol, 24:2598-2600).
Liao, H.-L., Chen Y., Bruns, T.D., Peay, K.G., Taylor, J.W., Branco, S., Talbot, J.M., Vilgalys, R. 2014. Metatranscriptomic analysis of ectomycorrhizal roots reveal genes associated with Piloderma-Pinus symbiosis: new methodologies for assessing gene expression in situ. Environmental Microbiology 16:3730-3742.
Schechter, S., Branco, S. 2014. The ecology and evolution of mycorrhizal fungi in extreme soils. In Rajakaruna, N., Boyd, R., Harris, T. (eds). Plant Ecology and Evolution in Harsh Environments. Nova Science Publishers. pp: 32-52.
Nilsson, R .H., Hyde, K. D., Pawłowska, J., Ryberg, M., Tedersoo, L., Bjørnsgard, A., Alias, S. A., Alves, A., Anderson, C. L., Antonelli, A., Arnold, A. E., Bahnmann, B., Bahram, M., Bengtsson-Palme, J., Berlin, A., Branco, S., et al. 2014. Improving ITS sequence data for identification of plant pathogenic fungi. Fungal Diversity 67: 11-19.
Talbot, J.M., Bruns, T.D., Taylor, J.W., Smith, D.P., Branco, S., Glassman, S.I., Erlandson, S., Vilgalys, R., Liao, H.-L., Smith, M., Peay, K.G. 2014. Endemism and functional convergence across the North American soil mycobiome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111:6341-6346.
Gladieux, P., Ropars, J., Badouin, H., Branca, A., Aguileta, G., Vienne, D., Vega, R., Branco, S., Giraud, T. 2014. Fungal evolutionary genomics provide insights into the mechanisms of adaptive divergence in eukaryotes. Molecular Ecology 23:753-773. (Invited Review).
Branco, S., Bruns, T.D., Singleton, I. 2013. Fungi at a small scale: spatial zonation of fungal assemblages around single trees. PLoS One 8(10):e78295.
Bengtsson-Palme, J., Ryberg, M., Hartmann, M., Branco, S., et al. 2013. Improved software detection and extraction of ITS1 and ITS2 from ribosomal ITS sequences of fungi and other eukaryotes for analysis of environmental sequencing data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4:914-919.
Talbot, J. M., Bruns, T. D., Smith, D. P., Branco, S., Glassman, S. I., Erlandson, S., Vilgalys, R., Peay, K. 2012. Independent roles of ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic communities in soil organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57:282-291.
Branco, S. 2011. Fungal diversity – an overview. In Grillo & Venora (eds) The Dynamic Processes in Biodiversity – Case Studies in Evolution and Spatial Distribution. ISBN 978-953-307-772-7. (Open access chapter with over 3000 downloads).
Nilsson, R. H., Veldre V., Wang, Z., Eckart, M., Branco, S., Hartmann, M., Quince, C., Godhe, A., Bertrand, Y., Alfredsson, J. F., Larsson, K.-H., Kõljalg, U., Abarenkov K. 2011. A note on the incidence of reverse complementary fungal ITS sequences in the public sequence databases and a software program for their detection and reorientation. Mycoscience, 52 (4):272-282.
Branco, S. 2010. Serpentine soils promote ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity. Molecular Ecology, 19:5566-5576.
Branco, S. & Ree, R. 2010. Serpentine soils do not limit ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity. PLoS ONE 5(7): e11757.
Avis, P., Branco, S., Tang, Y., Mueller, G. 2009. Pooled samples bias community descriptions. Molecular Ecology Resources, 10:135-141.
Branco, S. 2009. Are oaks locally adapted to serpentine soils? Northeastern Naturalist 16 (special issue 5):329-340.
Bidartondo, M, …, Branco, S., et al. 2008. Preserving accuracy in GenBank. Science 319:1616.
Branco, S. 2002. Inventariação preliminar de comunidades macrofúngicas em matas da serra de Sintra. Revista de Biologia, 20:179-190.
Bazzicalupo, A., Erlandson, S., Branine, M., Ruffing, L., Ratz, M., Nguyen, N., Branco, S. 2021. Fungal communities from geothermal soils in Yellowstone National Park. bioRxiv. doi:
Bazzicalupo, A., Ruytinx, J., Ke, Y.-H., Coninx, L., Colpaert, J., Nguyen, N., Vilgalys, R., Branco, S. 2019. Incipient local adaptation in a fungus: evolution of heavy metal tolerance through allelic and copy number variation. bioRxiv.